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Special Projects

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Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA) invites proposals from experienced consultants to undertake a thorough feasibility study for seasonal employee housing. This study will encompass the collection of comprehensive information and real-time statistics of the housing gap facing the tourism sector in the CCCTA region of BC and include a focus on seasonal employees. The study will also call for an exploration of innovative solutions for seasonal rural housing and investigate potential avenues for housing solutions for the rural workforce in tourism.

Purpose of the Study

Within the present housing crisis in Canada there is a severe shortage of seasonal employee housing that may be being overlooked. CCCTA is looking for up-to-date information and real-time statistics that highlights this situation and how it is affecting the seasonal and long-term workforce in tourism and tourism operators here in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region of British Columbia.
CCCTA’s intention for this research is to establish its role within this housing issue for its regional tourism operators and to contribute to establishing stronger resiliency within the tourism industry and local rural economies.

Proposal Submission Deadline: February 19th, 2025

Learn more here: RFP REDIP 2025

Contact Amy or Marra for more information:

Amy Thacker, Chief Executive Officer, Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism, 250-392-2226 Ext 200

Marra Stewart, Project Manager, Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism, 250-392-2226 Ext 204

FAQ RFP – Housing Feasibility CCCTA February 2025

1. What constitutes “innovative” for this project

What the CCCTA is looking for is any information on what communities/regions (provincially, nationally, or even worldwide) may be doing (or have done) to solve the short-term seasonal employee housing situation that is a major issue within tourism. We are hoping that this will help stimulate some possible concepts and solutions for our region and our local operators.

Whistler’s housing issues are a prime example of what is happening throughout the tourism industry here in BC and around the world.

2.  Are there scheduled check-ins or specific reporting periods during the contract term that we should plan for?

Yes, there will be scheduled check-ins and progress reports required in accordance with your process. We can connect once every two weeks (virtually) for updates on goals and milestones that have been outlined in your original proposal.

3. Are there any specifications or protocols that need to be considered when conducting stakeholder engagement?

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism is a respectful and inclusive partner committed to positive relationships with stakeholders and rightsholders. We expect partners to conduct themselves professionally and with similar values.

4. Are there requirements for the final report and presentation regarding in person versus virtual attendance?

The final report and presentation will be done virtually.

5. Are there previous studies or reports from CCCTA on housing funding that are available through CCCTA?

There are no previous studies that have been done specifically on seasonal employee housing that the CCCTA is aware of. Presently the government bodies within Canada have not made any reference to this element within the national housing crisis that we have found.

6. In the Project Overview, you note that the study will include collecting information and real-time stats with a focus on seasonal employees, but later in the Purpose of Study, you mention that you are looking for up-to-date information and stats on the

seasonal and long-term workforce. Can you please confirm if your primary focus is the seasonal tourism workforce and/or the long-term tourism workforce?

Primarily the focus is to be on seasonal employees. Communities like Whistler have been dealing with this issue for many years and is a good example of the situation facing tourism across the country, and in many cases, worldwide.

7. In the Scope of Work you note that “the selected firm will be responsible for collecting data that will update and confirm statistics…”. Do you have baseline data that you will be supplying to the selected firm or is this expected that they include a compilation and review of existing relevant statistics as part of the process?

There are no previous studies that have been done specifically on seasonal employee housing that the CCCTA is aware of. Presently the government bodies within Canada have not made any reference to this element within the national housing crisis that we have found. It is our hope that the selected firm can include a compilation and review of existing relevant statistics as part of the process.

8. In the Proposal Requirements, we don’t see a subsection on Price. Do you have a preference for how the costing is broken down? Also, does the rubric you’re using to evaluate proposals give the highest Price points to the lowest bidder?

Please breakdown the pricing/budget for the project in whichever way suits your process. The evaluation for proposals will be based on creativity and effectiveness along with references from previous projects that your firm has completed.