Land Without Limits - Industry

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Travel Media Updates, Insights and Trends August 2021

Photo credit: Geoff Moore | L-R Photographer - Pat Bates, Drone pilot - Stephane Laroye, Writer - Claudia Laroye, Writer - Matt Mosteller
Industry Update

Looking Back to See Ahead

Looking back can be extremely effective. It’s a lot like using your rearview mirror when you’re driving. It’s necessary, but if you spend too much time looking back, you won’t see what’s in front of you. So how do you get the most out of your past to get the best out of your future?

Scott Petinga

Travel Media

While planning for travel media visits to our region for 2022, we have found ourselves looking back at the process we used prior to March 2020. Obviously, there were some major adjustments made during the last seventeen months. That said we are now seeing some familiar travel media networking events and opportunities coming back into play starting this November. Looking ahead this is great news for our region. There is nothing more effective than meeting people in person to see if there is a natural fit to what our region offers and who their audience is. We expect that there will be some new prospects to help us get our regions stories in front of future travellers we are looking to host here. At this point the in person fall and early winter meetings we will be in the US and Canadian markets. For the long-haul markets of Europe, UK, Australia, and Mexico etc. we will still be utilizing online based meetings.

We were fortunate to host a few travel media on a FAM Tour into the region in mid June just before the unfortunate events of late June/July took hold.

Due to the volatility of the Wildfires in the Fraser Canyon and the South Cariboo we chose to reschedule planned travel media visits from July and hope to host later this summer for coverage in early 2022. 

If you have new products, services, social media channels, websites etc. please send us that information so we can forward your new content and ideas to our contacts in the travel industry.

Film Office

For those in BC who are interested in working in the film industry there is a new tool coming soon. Creative Pathways BC is a website launching this October designed to support people from diverse communities who want to break into British Columbia’s motion picture industry. This website was created to champion a dynamic motion picture workforce in B.C. that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive. Sign up now

Film activity: There has been some film location scouting in the region this summer. 


  • A commercial to market an e-bike manufacturer scouted and ultimately scheduled filming in the Chilcotin.
  • A Producer for a short film also recently scouted a location in the Chilcotin. 
  • There will be a pilot for a reality TV series shot in the next week in the Cariboo. 
  • Shooting this September in our region will be a few segments for a couple episodes of Season 3 for “Seeing Canada” to air spring of 2022 on PBS across North America, on Netflix as well Air Canada flights. Seeing Canada Season 2  

Another thought from Scott Petinga … 


A few years ago, researchers from the Kellogg School of Management and the Haas School of Business at U of C, Berkeley, discovered the power of counterfactual reflection, the act of asking, “What if X, Y or Z didn’t exist or didn’t happen?” In an experiment where employees were asked to imagine what things would be like if the company they worked for had never come into existence, the results were an increased employee commitment to the company. Looking back into your company’s origin from this standpoint is a great way to get inspired about the direction you’re going in now.