Land Without Limits - Industry

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The Road to Recovery - Updates for March 5 2021

Fox | Michael Bednar
Industry Update

Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP)

The Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP) is a $100-million provincially funded umbrella program, which is providing a one-time infrastructure funding grants to communities provincewide. The grants will support economic resilience, tourism, heritage and urban and rural economic development projects making life better for British Columbians and helping to restart the economy.

Community Economic Resilience (CER) Stream of CERIP

Through the CERIP’s Community Economic Resilience stream, the Province is investing $30 million to fund 63 small-scale public-use infrastructure projects throughout B.C. 

7 Projects have been identified for funding in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Region totaling just over $2.7M of the funding.

The projects within the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast are as follows:

Legacy Park Upgrades
The project will provide for upgrades to the Legacy Park, including providing electrical and sewer services and additional tenting sites.

Ashcroft Indian Band (AIB) 
AIB Sports Box and Playground 
The project will install a multi-use sports box and purchase sports equipment for a community-based, on-reserve sports program. 

Central Coast 
Centennial Pool Renewal 
The project will upgrade the 1967 Centennial Pool facility centrally located in Hagensborg in the Bella Coola Valley. 

Mount Waddington 
Train Engine Viewing Platform and Infrastructure for Nimpkish Valley Heritage Park 
The project will upgrade the Nimpkish Valley Heritage Park with the addition of new infrastructure, attractions and associated amenities for a more immersive experience for visitors. 

Wells Outdoor Skating Rink Improvement Project 
The project will provide substantial improvements to the Wells Outdoor Skating Rink. 

Williams Lake 
Williams Creek and River Valley Shared Multi-User Boardwalk 
The project will enhance the visitor experience along the Gold Rush Trail and construct a 900-metre multi-use boardwalk to complete the 15-km uninterrupted trail connecting Williams Lake to the Fraser River. 

Williams Lake Trail Riders Association
Stable and Riding Arena Re-roofing 
The project will upgrade the stables that provide secure and accessible boarding for horses. 

Rural Economic Recovery (RER) Stream of CERIP

The provincial government announced grants totaling $20 million have been awarded to 38 shovel-ready rural projects via the Rural Economic Recovery (RER) stream of the Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP). It’s hoped the RER grants will create jobs and economic opportunities as communities weather the pandemic’s economic fallout. 

The projects within the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast are as follows:

Anahim Lake:
Cariboo Regional District, Anahim Lake Airport Runway Improvements, $300,000: correct terrain slopes so the airport can continue to support tourism, business, medevac and emergency flights.

Gold Rush Cycling Club, Wonderland Trail Network Expansion, $87,520: expansion of trail network.

Williams Lake:
Williams Lake Cycling Club, Williams Lake Mountain Bike Trail Upgrade Project, $253,085: construct machine-built downhill mountain bike trail and improved uphill route on Fox Mountain trail network.

Lillooet Agriculture and Food Society, Lillooet Agricultural Facility, $267,500: facilitate construction and operation of a facility to address shortage of storage and processing areas for local farmers, ranchers and producers.

Unique Heritage Infrastructure (UHI) Stream of CERIP

The Province of B.C. allocated $16M to the Unique Heritage Infrastructure stream of the CERIP program and appointed Heritage BC as the program delivery partner. First People’s Cultural Council was the program delivery partner for an additional $4M in funding. 

The projects within the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast are as follows:

Barkerville Heritage Trust
Theatre Royal Foundation Project

Bridge River Valley Community Association
Bralorne Pioneer Mines Ltd. Office Conservation and Adaptive Reuse

Destination Development (DD) Stream of CERIP

Fifty-four new tourism projects throughout BC are receiving funding under the Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program’s (CERIP) destination development stream. The destination development funding invests in implementation-ready tourism infrastructure and amenities projects that support the recovery and resilience of tourism. It creates jobs and develops infrastructure that will attract visitors to BC communities when travel resumes. Approved projects include campground and recreational-vehicle site development, alpine and mountain bike trails, boat launch upgrades, construction and/or renovations of visitor amenities and Indigenous interpretive centres.

The projects within the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast are as follows:

Troll Mountain Resort Safe Space Project
Build 10 new outdoor picnic tables, construction and install outhouses, yurt and COVID-19 safety adaptations.

Friends of Historic Hat Creek Ranch Society
Campsite waterline 
Provide a potable water source to the campsites. 

Quesnel RV Park and Campground
Construction of eight serviced and five unserviced sites, tenting area, washroom, signage and landscaping. 

Xeni Gwet’in First Nation
Elkin Creek Ranch/Nemiah Airport improvements 
Improvements to Nemiah Airport and upgrades to Elkin Creek accommodation to expand guest capacity and improve energy efficiency.

Harvest-Cariboo Agricultural Producers Association
Signs and seats
Replace highway signage and Quesnel Farmers Market picnic tables. 

Tourism Lillooet Association
Tourism Lillooet Visitor Services infrastructure
Construction of two mobile information kiosks and 12information kiosks. 

Friends of Historic Hat Creek Ranch Society
Restaurant patio extension
Addition to existing outside patio deck and an addition of a roof for shade and/or rain protection. 

BC Fishing Tourism Association
Revitalize fishing infrastructure along the famed Fishing Highway 24
Boat launch, parking, road and campground or site improvements.

First Peoples’ Cultural Council

The First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC) has received $4 million in funding to support 11 Indigenous cultural heritage infrastructure projects from across B.C. The new FPCC program supports Indigenous communities in the province to safeguard, revitalize and celebrate heritage projects that include the conservation of structures, sites, landscapes, trails and archives.

The project within the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast is as follows:

Kunsoot Wellness Society
Bella Bella
Construction of new infrastructure at health centre

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) Expansion in BC

The Government of Canada recently announced an additional $500 million in support through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) for small businesses that continue to suffer from COVID-related losses and earmarked at least 25% of the funds for the struggling tourism sector. Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) is delivering the RRRF in BC.

This expanded funding allows the RRRF to continue to be a backstop for eligible firms, mirroring the support offered by other programs such as the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) or the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) as they evolve to meet the needs of businesses. The RRRF is intended for businesses that do not qualify for funding from those sources and other federal COVID-relief programs, such as the Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP).

Financial support may be available to tourism businesses if they have sustained COVID-related losses since April 1, 2020 or if they anticipate further losses going forward. RRRF Eligibility Criteria can be reviewed here.

Businesses are invited to email Western Economic Diversification Canada or call 1-888-338-9378. 
TRP Businesses registered in the Tourism Resiliency Program can also reach out to their advisor.

Small and Medium Sized Business Recovery Grant 

Deadline Extension

The deadline to apply for the Small and Medium Sized Business Recovery Grant program has been extended from March 31, 2021, to August 31, 2021. 

As well, businesses only need to show a 30% revenue loss from March 2020 to now when compared to the same one-month period in 2019. Assistance with preparing a complete application package is now available from a registered Small Business BC service provider.

 Applicants who have already made a submission are not required to resubmit, and businesses that have already been approved for funding will not be affected by these changes.  For more information, please visit: 


Join the Small and Medium Sized Business Recovery Grant program information session to learn more about this fully funded grant program available to eligible businesses in B.C., to ensure they have the support they need during and beyond COVID-19. This webinar is for business owners, industry associations and support organizations to get into the nitty gritty of how it works.

Join program staff to see if your business or businesses in your community are eligible, learn some tips to applying and speeding up the process, and dig into the recovery plan and activities that qualify for funding.

Upcoming Info Sessions:   
March 11 at 9:30am (PST) 
March 18 at 9:30am (PST)

Taking Care of Your Business-Virtual Conference

Join Community Futures for two days of keynote speakers and network opportunities to get your business moving forward and growing stronger.  
Whether you are a sole proprietor or run a business with more than 50 employees, there is something for everyone!
The conference will focus on solutions and tools for your business to find success as we move forward.

When: March 26 and March 27

What to expect:  

  • Inspiring Keynote Speakers with Q&A  
  • Strategies and tools that you can implement tomorrow!   
  • Things to consider for 2021 (and beyond)  
  • Networking with like minded entrepreneurs

Register for the Taking Care of Business Program here and registration for the virtual conference is free: 

If you have any questions, please connect with Jesse Wright –