Land Without Limits - Industry

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real emergency...

The Road to Recovery September Edition

Industry Update

Take a Break and Celebrate Your Business

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism is a proud sponsor of the Williams Lake Chamber of Commerce 25 years of Business Excellence celebration taking place on October 22, 2020. To be Covid-19 friendly there will be three different sessions:

4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

This event is FREE and limited to 50 people per session. Staff will be available to hear your ongoing concerns and share any program updates you are interested in. The Chamber will be serving wine and you receive one complimentary drink ticket with your registration. To register (spaces per session limited), please call the Chamber at 250-392-5025.

We look forward to celebrating our tourism operators and hearing your concerns as we look forward to 2021. 

FINAL Survey: Valuation of Forest Service Roads for Recreation & Tourism

The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA) is conducting its second and final stakeholder survey regarding the valuation of recreation and tourism on Forest Service Roads (FSRs) in the Cariboo Forest Region.

The main purpose of this survey is to provide you with an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed FSR recreation valuation approach, including the number of “points” allocated to different types of recreation features / assets (lakes, trails, businesses, scenic areas, etc.). This will help to more efficiently prioritize access to the “most important” recreation features in the region, theoretically shifting resources from those that receive less use and have less value for tourism and recreation.

This is the only region in B.C. to have undertaken this type of valuable analysis to date.

This short survey will only take about five (5) minutes to complete. No sensitive or confidential information is being requested in this survey.

Survey respondents will be entered into a draw to win one of three Gift Certificates for Mountain Equipment Co-op (M.E.C.), valued at $100 each.

Please complete the survey by October 30, 2020.

Take the Survey

First Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Digital Summit

October 26-27, 2020

Nominations start now!

Be sure to nominate your business and your neighbor.

Be sure to watch for more information.

German Travel Guide Gets a Refresh

We are happy to announce that this years Travel Guide has been translated into German.

Download your copy here.

5000+ August Referrals from!

In 2019, our website generated over 30,000+ referrals to tourism stakeholders. In August 2020 alone, we have generated over 5000+ outbound referrals to businesses and resources listed on our site. 

With numerous content pieces readying for market to push a final round of Sept – Oct peak season bookings, listing on our website to benefit from these efforts is the #1 way to ensure you are directly in the path to benefit from our marketing campaigns.

Listing on our website is 100% FREE to Cariboo Chilcotin Coast tourism stakeholders, and only take 5 minutes to complete your listing!

Submit your listing today

Help Shape the Future of go2HR:Complete the Employer Survey

go2HR is BC’s tourism and hospitality industry human resource and health & safety association. 

After a year of transition, go2HR is charting a new course and needs your input on how we can best meet the needs of industry. It is a timely question given the impacts of COVID-19 on the industry and the long, uncertain road ahead. Now more than ever, go2HR needs to be supporting businesses on the road to recovery.To inform our future direction, we need to hear industry’s voice….Your voice. 

We recognize the value of your time, particular during this pandemic. If you are a tourism and hospitality employer, we ask for 15 minutes to complete this survey to offer your valuable insights on the key human resource issues facing the industry and how go2HR can best help the industry in dealing with these issues going forward.


Whether or not you are an existing user of our services, we want to hear from you!The survey is open until September 18, 2020. 

Your input will help shape a new strategic plan for go2HR that will be shared in the new year. 

go2HR is working with Qatalyst Research Group. Any information you provide will be compiled by Qatalyst, held confidential and reported only in summary form with the responses of other participants. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Measuring Canadian Travel Patterns

The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast saw an 24% increase in visitation over British Columbia during Week 29 (August 17-23). Visitation to the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast increased by 11% and British Columbia decreased by 2% when comparing Week 28 (August 10-16) to Week 29 (August 17-23).


Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Question & Answer Sessions

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Question & Answer Sessions

The Government of Canada recently implemented changes to adapt the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to protect jobs and promote growth. 

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is committed to providing employers – including those who can now benefit as a result of the enhanced CEWS – with the information and resources they need to apply and benefit from this important economic measure.  

Resources can be found on CRA’s Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Web page, including the Frequently asked questions – Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and the CRA’s Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Calculator. To complement these resources, the CRA will host a series of interactive question and answer sessions for eligible employers and stakeholder organizations.     

English Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Q & A Sessions

If you are interested in participating in one of these sessions, please respond by email to with the session # and a confirmation email will be sent containing the WebEx link and other important information. In order to secure your place, we kindly ask that you register as soon as possible.

The CRA also encourages employers who haven’t already done so to sign up for My Business Account or Represent a Client, as well as for Direct deposit. Please also refer to Protect yourself against fraud, if you have any concerns.The questions gathered during this upcoming session will be considered by the CRA in its ongoing communications efforts, such as expanding website information and content for frequently asked questions. Please visit CRA’s Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Web page for updates.

You’ve Got Talent – Find & KeepValuable Employees

The “You’ve Got Talent” Employer guide is jam-packed with invaluable information designed to assist employers in achieving happy, healthy workplaces… and you get a copy!

Join Human Resource Consultant, Laurie Walters for the 2 part webinar series and learn how to find great employees and how to keep your valued employees. Laurie will provide recruitment strategies, tips for interviewing and most importantly, how to keep your employees happy and engaged in your organization. 

Part 1-Employee Recruitment… Find Great People Sept. 17th @ 12-1pmPart 2-Employee Retention… Keep Great People  Sept. 24th @ 12-1pm
Added bonus: One on one coaching sessions are available
– Private & Confidential –

Learn More & Register‌

Digital Marketing 101

Join us for an 8 part webinar series “Digital Marketing 101” where you will learn marketing strategies and tools to help you grow your business, find your target audience, and increase customer engagement.

Each day we will discuss a topic and explore strategies and tools, how they align with your marketing plans and where they fit in the buyer’s journey. 

Our days will begin at 9am on zoom and end after the Q&A. *Coaching sessions are available for all participants.

Dates: Sept. 21, 22, 23 & 24      
Sept 28, 29, 30 & Oct. 1
One on one coaching sessions are available for each business.
There are only 10 seats available – register your business today! 
*Should the course be full, we will have a waitlist for future session planning. 

Learn More & Register

Stay Tuned for:

Mental Health & Covid-19 – Lunch N Learn – Sept. 15th
Profit, Cashflow & Covid 19 – 5-7:30pm – Sept. 16, 23 & 30

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism has teamed up with eLearningU

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism has teamed up with eLearningU to bring you tourism online marketing webinars during this uncertain time.

As many of you find yourselves working from home, now is the perfect opportunity to invest some time in projects that may have found themselves on the back burner.

We would like to encourage you to explore the archive of tourism marketing webinars from the team at eLearningU!

You have access to 350+ hours of recorded tourism marketing courses, as well as access to live tourism marketing webinars every Thursday. The time you spend absorbing cutting-edge marketing knowledge will be well spent when travelers are able start to exploring again.

Some staff picks for great webinars from the archive to get started with are Social Media Planning:Build a Content Calendar for Next Week, Tips to Create Crazy, Phenomenal Videos – Yes You Can!, and Create, Curate and Newsjack Your Social Media Content.Upcoming Online Courses

You can also go the eLearningU site and register for any upcoming Live Webinars with this coupon code CCCBC.

Want to Access Our 350+ Recorded Webinars?

Sign up and get your own unique username and password to access the recorded programs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, click here.

Once you have your Member ID and Password you can log in to the member area on eLearningU and access the webinar libraryY

ou will receive information about each week’s live webinar every Monday afternoon. See this and next week’s classes below.

FREE when you use Coupon Code CCCBC

Upcoming Webinars click here

Small Business BC … September Webinars

Back to Business Goal Setting Workshop

Business owners are dealing with lots of changes these days and transitioning to the “new normal” is filled with many challenges. The key to success is to be prepared, know the obstacles you are likely to face and set goals that will enable you to move forward. Utilizing SMART and other goal setting principles, entrepreneurs can set goals and devise an action plan to achieve those goals.

The Goal Setting Workshop is a 4-week webinar series. Each weekly session is 2 hours, with assigned homework each week. After each webinar, 30-minute individual meetings are available with the presenter.

Dates: Sept 24, Oct 1, Oct 8 & Oct 15, from 10am to 12pm
(attendees must be available for all 4 dates)

Maximum of eight attendees will work together to define goals for their business using a variety of goal setting tools, lean on each other for inspiration and celebrate milestones together..$399 value … FREE … Just use the coupon code NDCF228 when registering!

More FREE webinars available this month, including:
Sept 9 from 9am to 12pm – Tax Sense for Small Business
Sept 21 from 1pm to 3:30pm – Creating a Website for Your Business
Sept 22 from 9am to 4pm – Business Viability Package
Sept 29 from 1pm to 4pm – Get Started with Email Marketing
Sept 30 from 10am to 12pm – Cyberthreats: How to Protect Your Small Business

Visit for full list of webinars offered until Dec 31, 2020     

 Click on the webinar you want to attend     
Enter coupon code:      NDCF228     
Register and complete form

Contact Connie Miao 1-800-667-2272 @ Small Business BC for any inquiries.

* Sponsored by: SBBC, in partnership with Northern Development Initiative Trust & Community Futures