Land Without Limits - Industry

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TRP Update January 28 2022

Program Updates January 28 2022

YOU have spoken and the CCCTA has heard!

Although the Tourism Resiliency Program ends January 31, 2022, the CCCTA has retained the Advisors, Patti Gerhardi and Sherry Shaw until the end of March to continue to assist you with programs and funding opportunities.

Please reach out if your business or event needs assistance from our program advisors. Email

Digital Skills Survey for BC entrepreneurs

The B.C. Ministry of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation (JERI) has engaged Deloitte to conduct a study of digital skills demand and supply in B.C. to gain a clearer understanding of the specific digital skills that organizations are seeking today, and in the future. Ultimately, the Government of B.C. will use the recommendations from this study to consider the development of micro-training (sometimes referred to as micro-credentialling) programs to help address the digital skills gaps identified.

In relation to this work, we are seeking your input via a 12-minute online survey to understand your organization’s perspectives on the demand for digital skills in B.C. Your feedback is essential in supporting JERI as it works to make B.C.’s economy more competitive in the future.

Survey Access:
To access the survey, please click here. Please complete the survey by the end of day Thursday, February 3rd 2022.Please note: This survey is designed to be completed by your organization’s leadership (e.g., CEO), or individuals with knowledge and understanding of talent needs (e.g., HR leadership).

Privacy Statement:
Please note that JERI and Deloitte are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your responses. All responses are collected by Deloitte via Qualtrics and will be confidential and presented in an aggregated format only.

Should you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Deloitte at

Spark Program – Info Session

Do you have a new and innovative tourism idea that you would like to launch in the CCC Region? You could be selected to receive a $3000 grant, mentorship and additional partner support. Deadline to apply February 18, 2022. 

Info Session #3 is being held February 3, 2022 at 5:00 pm. Click here to register for the info session. 

For more information on the Spark program click here.

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA) Special Programs

Those that were registered in the CCCTA Special Programs (that are fully subscribed to) of last fall, The Graphic Design Program, The Media Kit Program and The Professional Photographer Program please note that all the arrangements that you currently have in place with the individual contractors are still active and will continue to the deadlines you have arranged. 

Please contact if you have any questions or need additional information and assistance with these specific programs..

Tourism Relief Fund Q & A

Q. Why haven’t we heard anything on these applications?

A. You are not alone. The CCCTA has reached out to MP Todd Doherty and to the Federal Ministers and their Staff to push the applications (that we are aware of) through this process. Movement of some of those applications has begun, as of January 15th.

Q. How do we apply for this funding?

A. You must have a CRA (Canada Revenue Account) to access the Application process and Application Form

Q. Is there different applications forms across Canada for the Tourism Relief Fund?

A. Western Canada is handled through Western Diversification AND BC is handled through PACIFICAN – BC only This link will take you to the correct form for BC Tourism Relief Fund Application Guide Western Canada

Q. How do we navigate this Application Guide?

A. Contact to schedule an appointment to review the Application Guide – this meeting will take approximately 1 hour, with a follow up of at least one other appointment to review your documentation and wording that you will prepare in advance of beginning the application process.

Q. What type of projects will be considered for this funding?

A. By reviewing the Application Guide – Eligible Activities Section, you will determine if your projects fits the criteria of one of the eligible themes:

    1. Product development/Development and enhancement of tourism experiences
    2.  Destination development