Land Without Limits - Industry

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real emergency...

The Road to Recovery - February 22 2021 Edition

Bella Coola Valley | Michael Bednar
Industry Update

Request for Proposal

Regional Trails Strategy

The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA) is requesting the submission of Proposals from qualified consultants (“Proponents”) with proven experience and expertise in regional trail strategy development, public consultation, data collection and analysis to lead the development of a comprehensive Regional Trail Strategy. The final Regional Trails Strategy will provide the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast (CCC) Region with a framework to guide strategic development of trails within the region for a period of ten years aligning with the Regional and Planning Area Destination Development Strategies.  

Click here for more information.

MRDT Strategy 

The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Marketing Association (CCCTMA) is seeking proposals from qualified proponents to write and facilitate the development of the 2023-2028 MRDT Strategy for the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region. This strategy will be used to pursue renewal of the Municipal & Regional District Tax (MRDT) program for the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region; providing the basis for municipal, regional district and individual business approval of the program’s renewal ahead of 2023.

Qualifying proposals will be evaluated by the CCCTMA based on a combination of qualifications, proven experience, work plan/schedule and price. CCCTMA reserves the right not to accept the lowest price or any proposal as submitted.

Click here for more information.

B.C. Business Recovery Grant Program Explained  

Thursday, February 25, 9:30 am to 10:15 am

What is the session about?
Join us for a Small and Medium Sized Business Grant Recovery Program information session to learn more about this fully funded grant program available to eligible businesses in B.C., to ensure they have the support they need during and beyond COVID-19. 

This webinar is for business owners, industry associations and support organizations to get into the nitty gritty of how it works. Join program staff to see if your business or businesses in your community are eligible, learn some tips to applying and speeding up the process, and dig into the recovery plan and activities that qualify for funding. We will cover the two step process, including the application process and how to apply, along with the recovery plan and how to complete it. 

A Q&A session will follow the presentation to answer any specific questions.