Land Without Limits - Industry

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The Road to Recovery - CCCTA Summer Edition

Bowron Lake, BC | Robin O'Neill
Industry Update

A Message from our CEO

CEO Amy Thacker The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Resiliency Program has now been operating for just over two months, supporting tourism businesses throughout the region. Our team has worked with over 100 stakeholders since the program launched on April 27th and continues to assist as we gain understanding of the many issues that continue to challenge our industry.

We are continuing, with our industry partners, to monitor occupancy, average rate, revenues, visitor volumes, and spending patterns to ensure our government officials have the facts to take necessary action to support ongoing tourism operators in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast and throughout the province of British Columbia. We will continue to gain and share this business intelligence and insights, which come directly from tourism stakeholders in our region via telephone and online surveys; data from our partnership with Environics Analytics received and analyzed weekly, and additional research has been sourced through the UN World Tourism Organization, Destination Canada, Destination BC, British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat, BC Hotel Association, go2HR and others.

Now more than ever we understand the importance of providing timely data that will assist you in making informed decisions, understanding how industry and consumers are responding, both in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast and the province as a whole, and that will assist you in making adjustments to how you do business to support survival and success. 

Smart Travel For Your Business

We are proud to announce that the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast and the Gold Rush Trail were approved as a Safe Travel destination by the World Travel & Tourism Council. The ‘Safe Travels Stamp’ is an international designation that will allow travellers and other travel and tourism stakeholders to recognize destinations and tourism busin esses around the world that have implemented health and hygiene protocols that are aligned with  WTTC’s SafeTravelsProtocols   – so consumers can experience ‘Safe Travels’.  

The Safe Travels branding is available for all communities in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast and along the Gold Rush Trail as part of our approval by the WTTC. There is no cost to participate in this initiative and you can apply your own branding to the logo.  

Please contact if you are interested in learning more about the ‘Safe Travels’ designation or if you would like to use this branding for your community or business. 


In The News

NTA Courier
Destination Canada funds new marketing intiatives

STORY: Bob Rouse

At the start of the summer of 2020, Canadian tourism is largely focused on, well, Canadians. The border with the United States is closed, and visitors who fly into Canada must self-isolate for two weeks…. Read More


New Streamlined Process for Temporary Layoff Variance Applications

A new initiative launched by the provincial government will help keep workers and employers connected as British Columbia continues on the path towards economic recovery. Starting July 20, 2020, employers and workers can jointly apply to the Employment Standards Branch to extend a temporary layoff period through a streamlined variance application process that includes an online form and additional resources.

You may recall that in June, government amended the Employment Standards Regulation to allow workers and employers to agree to an extended “COVID-19 emergency layoff” of up to 24 weeks in any consecutive 28-week period. The “COVID-19 emergency layoff” period expires on August 30, 2020.

While there are signs of increased economic activity in many sectors, some businesses, particularly in the tourism, cultural and hospitality sectors, are not yet able to recall their workers. For those workers and employers who wish to extend a “COVID-19 emergency layoff” beyond August 30, the provincial Employment Standards Act provides a tool unique in Canada, allowing for employers and workers to apply jointly to the Employment Standards Branch for a temporary layoff variance.

Under the new streamlined variance process, applications can be made using an online form available at: . The Employment Standards Branch has also assigned additional resources to ensure that applications are processed efficiently. An information campaign is planned and the Branch will have new supports and information on its website.

Government is recommending that employers submit their variance applications early to avoid the potential of permanent layoffs and compensation for length of service to eligible workers upon the expiry of the “COVID-19 emergency layoff” period on August 30.To apply for a variance, employers must follow a simple, two step process.

Step 1: Survey your workforce using a template and tool from the Employment Standards Branch to ensure more than 50% of employees who will be affected by the variance support the application.

Step 2: Complete the application form on the online portal and upload your employees’ responses from the tool.

The Employment Standards Branch will review the application, and employers will be notified once the variance is decided. To ensure applications are decided by the August 30 th
 deadline, employers are encouraged to submit their variance applications by August 25 th.

For more information on what to expect during the temporary layoff variance application process, please go to:

Tourism Resiliency Program Announced

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Resiliency Program

“ This investment from Western Economic Diversification is timely and critical as tourism businesses and organizations are challenged with potential insolvency ,” shares Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism board chair Andre Kuerbis. “ We need to be focused on the supply side challenges of our sector and be providing critical support to ensure that our businesses survive to need marketing. ”

More Info

Marketing for Phase 3

With the announcement of Phase 3 in the Province of BC’s ReStart Plan, marketing to our open Cariboo Chilcotin Coast destinations has been able to resume. Our team is prioritizing marketing tactics that drive traffic to and referrals to your business. These tactics include a suite of digital tactics and high-profile television commercials currently running on the Global BC Network.
BC residents are eager to travel and start planning trips to enjoy the rest of their summer. With over 28,000+ referrals to business last year from our website, we would like to share with you the best ways to take advantage of the marketing our team is currently doing:

  1. If you haven’t already, create your FREE listing HERE.
  2. Email us a high-quality, 2048×1152 listing header image to so we can fully publish your listing.*
  3. We highly recommend creating a Special Offer so that your business can appear on our Special Offers page, which sees the highest traffic and generates the most amount of referrals to business on our website. You can list up to 3 Special Offers, which can be both discount or value-add incentive offers (we recommend value-adds!)*
  4. Make sure you link your TripAdvisor profile to your listing. If you don’t already have a TripAdvisor profile, you can create one HERE.
  5. Is your Google My Business listing verified? If it isn’t, ANYONE can make changes to your listing including changing your phone number, website and operating hours! If you haven’t yet verified your listing, we can do it for you! Email for assistance.

*Any header images, Special Offers information, listing edits or questions can be sent to .


Google My Business

Google my business

Previously, claiming your Google My Business listing involved in person visits with a lengthy verification process.  

Typically, our verification process required us to physically come to your business or for you to request an automated phone call/postcard. This was a challenge for our rural businesses that have an in-town mailing address and/or limited phone connectivity.  

AND this has been further complicated by the travel restrictions and impacts from Covid.Now it as simple as informing us you’d like to verify your listing, and we will send you a personalized code that will allow you to quickly claim your business.

Email for more information or to claim your listing. 

Travel Guides & Map Pads Out Now!

Distribution of the 2020 Travel Guide & Map Pad editions to our major visitor and information centers has been taking place over the last few weeks. In-region distribution to businesses in open communities will take place in mid-July. Production of the 2020 English and German e-versions to use in our online campaigns will also begin promotion this month. 

Thank you to all of the advertisers that took part in these 2020 editions. Now more than ever, these will be tremendous assets for inspiring future travel and driving referrals to your businesses! 

If you require more free copies of our Travel Guides and Map Pads, you can order them by calling our office at 250-392-2226.


Want to stay up to date? We are now using LinkedIn to update our Cariboo Chilcotin Coast tourism industry: 

Go to LinkedIn

Financial Assistance Available for Victims of B.C. Flooding

The provincial government announced Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) is now available for eligible British Columbians in the following regions who may have been impacted by overland flooding from June 14-July 13, 2020:

  • Cariboo Regional District 
  • Fraser Fort George Regional District 
  • Peace River Regional District 
  • Northern Rockies Regional Municipality

More Info

Wholesale Liquor Pricing for Restaurants, Tourism Businesses Takes Effect

Today, previously announced measures allowing restaurants and pubs to purchase alcohol at wholesale prices came into effect. The temporary authorization, which will be in place until March 31, 2020, will support hospitality and tourism businesses struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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