Call for Applications:
Minister’s Tourism Engagement Council
March 16, 2018
Lisa Beare, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture announced the creation of the Minister’s Tourism Engagement Council to advise her on tourism issues and opportunities, and to provide input into the provincial tourism strategy. British Columbians in the tourism sector are invited to apply for a seat on this council. The application process closes on Monday, March 19.
The Minister’s Tourism Engagement Council is being created to connect communities, industry and government on tourism related policies, issues and actions in a more structured and inclusive way. The Council is an advisory group that provides advice on the issues and opportunities facing the tourism industry and informs the development and implementation of the provincial tourism strategy. Members commit to providing a provincial perspective, working collaboratively and participating in a minimum of two meetings annually. Members will be compensated for travel.
The council will be comprised of up to 25 members who collectively provide:
• the broadest possible variety of participants from the tourism sector;
• knowledge of current and emerging issues affecting tourism;
• ability to formulate options or recommendations for addressing issues; and,
• knowledge of the broader tourism community.
The composition of the Council will reflect the geographic scope and broad diversity of British Columbia’s tourism sector. Applicants may be appointed from one or more of the following components of tourism:
• Tourism and related sector businesses;
• Sub-sectors of tourism such as adventure tourism, agri-tourism, ski resorts, etc.
• Cultural, recreation, sport or arts organizations linked to tourism;
• Indigenous tourism;
• Tourism labour organizations;
• Industry associations; and,
• Local or regional destination marketing organizations.
For more details about the Council, see the attached information from the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office. If you have questions about the application process, please email Additional information and the application form can be found at the Ministry of Tourism , Arts and Culture webpage at