Land Without Limits - Industry

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real emergency...

Introducing the TACKLE Program

Kumsheen rafting | Tyler Cave


An online tourism training program designed to inspire the development of purchasable visitor experiences that generate new revenue, appeal to your ideal guest and support the growth of the visitor economy in the CCCTA region.

As we emerge from COVID-19, this new, online training program provides a focused learning environment for a group of six tourism operators who are ready to take action and bring new products to market. This blended program combines self-paced learning with instructor-led, group Zoom sessions to spark creative thinking about new opportunities for visitor experiences.

You’ll Walk Away With:

  1.  An understanding of the business opportunities emerging from current tourism trends.
  2.  Foundational knowledge for designing memorable travel, designed to appeal to your ‘Ideal Guest’.
  3.  A community of industry colleagues who want to take action to develop new visitor experiences, advance their business goals and introduce new visitor offers.
  4.  Tools, templates, knowledge and support to advance your experience idea from concept to development, cost and price it for market and create a plan for a test run.
To register or for more information contact Mackenzie Moore at 250-392-2226 x 201 or email
More details and information sheet here.