Land Without Limits - Industry

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real emergency...

Emergency Preparedness Newsletter - Spring 2023

Gold Rush Trail | Jonny Bierman

Spring Freshet – Will we Flood?

The River Forecast Center released their March 1, 2023 snow survey & water bullet confirming that BC’s snow pack increased to near normal levels with a provincial average of 94% of normal snow accumulation. Above normal snow surveys may indicate a higher risk for snowmelt related spring flooding for the Upper Fraser West, Chilcotin and Lower Thompson basins. A reminder that near normal or slightly below normal areas may still be at risk for spring flooding if adverse weather occurs. See bullet here or visit the River Forecast center for more details.

Preparing for Wildfire Season – Do you have the right contacts?

Now is the time to update your emergency management plan and ensure you have the right contacts for the worst-case scenario. Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism is updating your information and has resources to assist in updating your plans while you get ready for business. Email if you would like to participate in this free program. Preparedness can also save you money – ask your insurance broker today if your emergency plans can reduce your rates.

As you begin spring clean up – think fire smart Know about fire activity in your area, get updated on fire bans and reduce fire risk by conducting fire smart landscaping and yard work.

Do you want to HELP?

As we update our risk and emergency plans to prepare for what mother nature may bring our way, we look to our tourism businesses to learn who is registered with their local Emergency Services Support or Emergency Operations Centre. Is your business and team able to accommodate or feed evacuees or crews? Are you interested in hosting wildfire teams, pilots, river engineers, etc if it is needed? If your answer is yes, we need to register you in advance to streamline processes required during an emergency event. Let our team know how we can help.

BC Premise ID

Do you have animals? Effective July 1, 2022 if you have poultry or livestock on your property you must have a BC Premise ID. In the event of an emergency this information is available to the Emergency Operations teams and can ensure permits for you to access them or evacuation support if necessary. Visit to learn more.









Environment Canada weather conditions and forecast

Avalanche Canada weather forecast

BC Travellers forecast

BC River Forecast Centre

BC Wildfire


Climate Ready BC

BC Drought & Water Scarcity Response Plan


Please contact our team at if you have any questions!