Upcoming Webinars
Messenger marketing, niche social channels, private groups- today we, as brands, must be invited to the conversation. It’s time to decode Dark Social to grow organic engagement and raving fans without the constant pay to play model. Take-Aways: – Discover how to lead a Dark Social Community Destination to Capture Attention, Amplify Your Message, and Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More – How to Use Dark Social in your Favor to Grow Word of Mouth Referrals – Communication Techniques to turn your followers into true fans, your clients into advocates and your community into collaborators
Date: Thursday, December 9
Gearing up for the 2021 Holiday Season
It’s a unique and exciting time to be working in tourism, isn’t it?
On the one hand, we’ve just faced perhaps the greatest challenge that our industry has ever faced, and on the other, we’re starting to see data that suggests there may be brighter days ahead.
All of that is happening around the same time that we’re shifting towards the holiday season, which typically means more people searching for gifts, family trips, and winter getaways.
Digital is an important part of getting found, so in the coming weeks we’re offering live webinars that will help you to get ready for the season, make your operation more efficient, and maybe even start thinking about what could be possible for 2022.
We also have made it easier for you to register for the live webinars — once you log in just go to the live webinars tab and you can sign up for any and all webinars listed .. they go to January 2022!
So how does this work?
Step 1: Already have your username and password? — you’re all set and ready to go to Step 2. Don’t have your username and password? Get your own unique username and password to access the live and recorded programs: Click Here
Step 2: Login by clicking the green Member Login button at the right of the navigation bar at www.eLearningU.com Once you are logged in you can register for upcoming, Live Webinars or to view the Recorded Webinars, go to: Click Here
Step 3: To begin the certification program, you can head to your dashboard. There you will find additional information and recommendations how on to complete the program and become a Tourism Digital Marketing Expert (TDME).You will find everything is accessible through your member login. We hope this will make it easier than ever to find the education you need as we continue to add valuable tools and resources.
If we can assist you in any way, please email the team at info@elearningu.com.