From the CEO’s Desk We’re covering lots of new ground in this months update. From issues like electronic payments to government conferences to our brand new Stories Guide being out now, you’ll want to read on to stay up to speed!
CCCTA modernizing your payments In our efforts to support sustainability the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast office is moving to paperless electronic funds transfer for all payable accounts. If you do business with and receive payments from our office, please complete and return this form . For any questions on this transition please email
Summer Student Opportunities Canada Summer Jobs 2019 includes new expanded eligibility to include all youth aged 15 to 30, which means youth who are not students are now also eligible. This change has been made to complement the Government’s renewal of the Youth Employment Strategy (YES), announced in Budget 2018. The modernized Youth Employment Strategy will embrace a “no wrong door” approach with the aim of ensuring that all young people have access to the supports they need, including enhanced supports for young people facing more serious barriers to joining and staying in the workforce. To be eligible, participants must:
- be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of the employment;
- be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for the duration of the employment; and,
- have a valid Social Insurance Number at the start of employment and be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations.
International students are not eligible participants. International students include anyone who is temporarily in Canada for studies and who is not a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person who has been granted refugee status in Canada. For more detailed info on the summer postings, please follow this link :
Tourism represented at the North Central Local Government Association conference Clint Fraser, CEO of Northern BC Tourism and Amy Thacker, CEO of Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association addressed elected officials at the annual North Central Local Government conference, hosted this year in Williams Lake. Delivering an update on the Business of Tourism, we were pleased to be able to share industry trends with our community partners.
CCCTA gifts historic artifacts
Amy (l) with Christina Ledoux, Susan Bell, Laurie Hopfl and Vera Busse in Lillooet
The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association and the Gold Rush Trail Management Committee are excited to hit the road and present the historic Gold Rush Trail signs to communities, museums and founding partners. “As an aficionado of the Gold Rush Trail for 50 years, the old Gold Rush Trail signs were a significant marker along the journey and the fact that these sign will be preserved in local museums and heritage sites is a brilliant idea,” shares Brent Rutherford, Gold Rush Trail Management Committee Member. “It is a transition from the old to new”. The original Gold Rush Trail highway signs were established by the provincial government in mid-1980s to promote the Gold Rush Trail. In 2015, the Gold Rush Trail Management Committee, in collaboration with communities and partners along the corridor, completed a brand refresh and became the first aligned brand with Destination British Columbia’s, Super, Natural British Columbia ® brand.
Regional Indigenous Liaison Position Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism and Indigenous Tourism BC are seeking a talented individual to join our team to develop and grow Indigenous tourism in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Region of British Columbia! For more detailed info on the posting and position, please follow this link :
Bella Coola welcomes Northern Sea Wolf We’re very excited to see this moment arrive, as we’ve worked very hard with all levels of government to re-establish this connection. Join us to welcome the inaugural sailing of the Northern Sea Wolf with arrival into Bella Coola on June 2 from 2-4 pm.
CCCTA on the road Please welcome our staff as they travel through the region delivering the new travel guides and map pads to our business operators. If you would like to place a special order email . Additionally, our team is on the road providing updates to our local governments. We invite you to join us at an upcoming presentation to City Councils and Regional Districts.
May 6th – District of Lillooet 7:00 pm May 22nd – Village of Clinton 7:00 pm May 24th – Cariboo Regional District 9:30 am May 27th – Village of Cache Creek 4:30 pm May 27th – Village of Ashcroft 6:00 pm June 4th – City of Quesnel 6:00 pm June 18th – City of Williams Lake 6:00 pm June 18th – District of 100 Mile House 7:00 pm June 25th – District of Logan Lake 7:00 pm July 11th – Central Coast Regional District 8:30 am July 24th – Squamish Lillooet Regional District 10:30 am
Tourism Week in BC We encourage you to help up mark Tourism Week in BC from May 26th to June 2nd. Please share this image in your marketing, social media and digital marketing to help recognize the importance of tourism in our province.
2019 Tourism Summit & AGM As planning progresses on this year’s Tourism event, hosted by Barkerville Historic Town & Park we wanted to share that the team has been able to reduce the cost to attend! 2019 Registration Form 2019 Donation Form And we encourage you to nominate your business (or your neighbour) for one of the prestigious regional awards. Innovation in tourism Award Good Neighbour Award Digital Excellence Award Best Tourism Marketing Initiative Award