Land Without Limits - Industry

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real emergency...

CCCTMA Marketing Committee - Call for Nominations

Crooked Lake, BC | Michael Bednar
Industry Update

Photo Credit: Nick Trehearne

Marketing Committee Call for Nominations

We are looking for members to join the Marketing Committee of the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Marketing Association. The Committee provides strategic advice to the CCCTA Board, CEO, and CCCTMA senior marketing staff.

If you would like to join the team or know someone that you believe would be an excellent fit for the Committee, please click the link below and learn more about the 2023 election process.

Learn More.



We are here for you and your business.

Our staff are fully available to provide you with support and up-to-date information.
Please feel free to reach out to any of our staff with questions or concerns.

Rodrigo Landim
Director of Marketing