Land Without Limits - Industry

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BCRTS Tourism Summit November 3 and 4, 2021

This year we are very pleased to announce that the annual tourism Summit, will be a joint virtual event in collaboration with the five regional destination management organizations of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)

Join us virtually, on November 3 and 4, 2021, to hear from a variety of speakers who will provide an international, provincial and regional perspective on what we’ve been through and to find ways to think differently about how we can co-create a vibrant and resilient tourism industry in B.C.As we move forward to rebuild tourism and a new tourism economy, we have the opportunity to do so in a more thoughtful and mindful manner. Moving forward in partnership and collaboration, we can work towards better understanding tourism’s value, relevance, and impact.

Change has been forced upon us, but we can and need to view this change as a chance to reinvent and recreate a vibrant, resilient tourism industry. We hope you will join us for this year’s BCRTS and GSTC’s Tourism Summit and be part of this important conversation.

The BCRTS Tourism Summit 2021 is open to all tourism stakeholders and GSTC members and there is no cost to attend.