Land Without Limits - Industry

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BC Tourism Regions and TIABC Sign Agreement

Dogsledding | Thomas Drasdauskis
Industry Update

TIABC and the five regional destination management organizations (RDMOs) have signed an agreement for TIABC to provide secretariat functions for the RDMO Committee.

The secretariat role will include administrative RDMO meeting coordination, as well as providing opportunities for collaboration and learning with TIABC and other stakeholders.

Glenn Mandziuk was elected chair of the committee for the inaugural year of this new exciting partnership.

TIABC is pleased with this partnership with our RDMO members and looks forward to a strong working relationship withe the RDMO members.

L to R: Laura Plant, TIABC; Anthony Everett, Tourism Vancouver Island; Kathy Cooper, Kootenay Rockies Tourism; Clint Fraser, Northern BC Tourism; Amy Thacker, Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism; and Glenn Mandziuk, Thompson Okanagan Tourism.